2nd Amendment, Well-Regulated Militia



As we predicted,  the Democrats have stolen our Presidency

Honorable GOP Poll Watchers are being refused access to vote tabulations and reporting.

Project Veritas has a postman offering an undercover reporter a ‘whole stack’ of blank ballots.

Curabitur felis erat, tempus eu, placerat et, pellentesque sed, purus. Sed sed diam. Nam nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Aenean risus est, porttitor vel, placerat sit amet, vestibulum sit amet, nibh. Ut faucibus justo quis nisl. Etiam vulputate, sapien eu egestas rutrum, leo neque luctus dolor, sed hendrerit tortor metus ut dui. Etiam id pede porttitor turpis tristique lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam feugiat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras gravida sem ut massa. Quisque accumsan porttitor dui. Sed interdum, nisl ut consequat tristique, lacus nulla porta massa, sed imperdiet sem nunc vitae eros.

Wayne County Michigan reported no numbers election night. They waited until all of the other counties reported their numbers. By waiting, Wayne County was able to avoid the mistakes of the Democrats in 2000. In FL the Dems failed to create enough


Nearly all of the ‘found’ ballots are voting for Biden. Out of every 100,000 ballots, nearly all are for Biden. Even if a atate is 49 Biden to 42 Trump, Biden still gets 90+ percent of the vote. Anyone with half a brain can see that that is fraudulent. The Dems are clearly creating enough votes for Biden to steal the Presidency.

Suppression polls by major media. A few days before the election, ABC News and the Washington Post did a poll where Biden led Trump by 17 points. Even the panel on MSNBC said, “.,. No one considers that a real poll.”

Hillary Clinton’s order to “... Not concede under any circumstances.” We knew what Hillary meant. Simultaneous with Hillary’s order, the left was telling us that “... President Trump would hold a big lead at the end of in-person voting. However, after several days of counting, Biden would win any state that would stay open counting votes.