2nd Amendment, Well-Regulated Militia



Tryannical Government - using power over people in a way that is cruel and unfair.


We stand ready to move against a government that practices Tyranny as the rule, not the exception.


Stand Ready to Defend Our Free State

Local Governments. City of Warren Mayor’s office bragged about taking a citizen’s home for $100.


More and more of our governments are not “Of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Now more and more governmental bodies are of the deep state, for the deep state, and by the deep state.”


Warren also treats all minor civil violations as “blight’ assessing excessive fines and requiring the poor and infirm to go to court to resolve the minutest of the violations. Warren routinely assesses $600 in fines for the most  trivial offenses and ‘negotiates’ to make the citizen appreciate

Ensuring our right to bear arms. The bill of rights states we must bear arms to maintain a free state. All soldiers are issued assault weapons by default. To maintain our free state we honorable citizens must be able to bear assault weapons also. Any infringements on these rights is the growth of a more tryannical government. We honorably stand against any attempts to restrict our gun rights.


Right to Bear Arms>>

What We Do

Ensuring the Deep State will not succeed in defeating our democratic will.

Deep State>>

Macomb Prosecutor Eric Smith, by his own admission, treats the accused as guilty until they can prove their innocence.

Corrupt Prosecutors>>