2nd Amendment, Well-Regulated Militia



Charm Brigades

Who can say no to a beautiful woman? In the event, the Patriot Well-Regulated Militia will have to be mobilized, our founders envisioned “Charm Brigades” to lead any action. We do not want any violence to take place. When any of our Well-Regulated Militia is forced to act, we intend to have our Charm Brigades lead the armed force. Our goal is to have any military or law enforcement lay down their weapons and refuse to fire on Patriotic American Citizens. Peaceful and honorable women, as well as seniors, and disabled, can lead to a peaceful transfer of power from a tyrannical government to the people.



Seniors and the disabled are welcome to join the Charm Brigades. Your wisdom could sway the military and law enforcement from violence.

The more the ‘merrier’ or effective. We welcome ten or more ‘charmers’ for every armed Patriot. The less force we have to use, the better.

Charm Brigades have no structure or rank. You in the Charm Brigades will choose your own leaders when forming up for action.

All women have the choice of standing armed or charmed.

Should you have a felony or any other reason you can not carry a gun, join the Charm Brigade.

Leading the way to a peaceful transition